lunes, 18 de julio de 2016

Republican Convention: Floor Fighting on Day 1

CLEVELAND — Here’s what’s happening at the Republican National Convention, and scroll through our best photos.
Delegates tried to stage a last-ditch revolt against Donald Trump.
The convention floor momentarily turned into a scene of discord and boisterous dissent on Monday. Those who were opposing Donald J. Trump broke into booming jeers and chants of “Roll call vote! Roll call vote!” in an attempt to demand a vote by all 2,472 delegates on a procedural motion that is required before the convention can formally get underway.

A delegate from Virginia during the call for a roll call vote on Monday. CreditEric Thayer for The New York Times

Their hope was that by starting a lengthy process so late in the day — just a few hours before the convention’s prime-time programming was set to begin — they could embarrass Mr. Trump by delaying the convention’s opening speakers.
Delegates who opposed them appeared to have the advantage. And they responded with their own noisy shouts of “U.S.A.! U.S.A.!”
But after several minutes of confusion, and a couple of musical interludes by the band to kill time, the anti-Trump delegates appeared to have been stymied.
When the chairman called for a voice vote on whether to have a roll-call vote, he ruled that the “no” votes prevailed.
Initially there appeared to be at least nine states that agreed to the roll-call vote, meeting the threshold of seven required under party rules. But faced with the possibility of a runaway start to the convention, the Trump campaign and Republican National Committee staffers working the floor went into overdrive to get delegates to withdraw their support.
In the end, only six states consented. And the crowd broke into chants of “We want Trump!”
Leaders of the rebellion conceded defeat. “It’s disappointing,” said Ken Cuccinelli, a delegate from Virginia who was coordinating the effort. “There’s nowhere to appeal.”

Cindy Pugh, a state representative from Minnesota at the Quicken Loans Arena on Monday.CreditDamon Winter/The New York Times
There are still hard feelings from the hard-fought primary.
The floor skirmish was further evidence that the party still had a long way to go toward unity.
The Trump campaign lashed out at Gov. John Kasich of Ohio for refusing to support Mr. Trump. “He’s embarrassing his party in Ohio,” Paul Manafort, Mr. Trump’s campaign chairman, said at a breakfast on Monday morning, calling the decision “dumb.”
John Weaver, a strategist for Mr. Kasich, mocked Mr. Manafort and accused him of being “on the lam” with thugs and autocrats.
Party unity, it seems, will still take some time.
Republicans address the latest deadly shooting?
The shooting deaths of three police officers on Sunday in Baton Rouge, La., have heightened tensions here, posing a challenge of tone and approach for demonstrators.
Many have been drawn to Cleveland to oppose Mr. Trump, whom they see as inflaming racial hostilities, and to speak out against the deaths of black Americans at the hands of the police. Two hundred of his supporters held an “America First” rally in a park around midday. (Watch video we recorded live on Facebook of anti-Trump protesters marching through downtown Cleveland.) Later in the day, a group focused on economic justice will take to the streets.
Donald Trump is gaining ground on Hillary Clinton.
A national poll of registered voters from Monmouth University shows Mr. Trump gaining on Hillary Clinton as he heads into the convention. He now trails her by just three points, narrowing a six-point gap from a month ago.
Can Melania Trump help rehabilitate her husband’s image with women?
Mr. Trump says women love him. Public surveys say otherwise.
And if part of the convention’s purpose is to package Mr. Trump as a more acceptable choice to this skeptical swath of the electorate, Monday’s testimonials could go a long way.
The headliner is Melania Trump, Mr. Trump’s often-seen but rarely heard-from wife originally from Slovenia, who is expected to take the stage in the evening. Mr. Trump’s family has been central to his campaign arc, with his children serving as top advisers and surrogates. But Mrs. Trump’s role has been less conspicuous, so far.
Mr. Trump announced on Twitter Monday morning that he would be in attendance later that evening, to watch his wife deliver her speech.

An audience member handed Mr. Trump a poster of his wife, Melania, to sign at a rally in March in Fayetteville, N.C.CreditTravis Dove for The New York Times
Can an army of speakers burnish Trump’s self-styled tough-guy image?
Little about the speaking schedule is subtle. But the Trump campaign’s chief aim, it seems, is to present him as a champion of law enforcement and to highlight his hard-line stance on immigration.
Among those invited onstage, organizers say, are the relatives of people killed by immigrants who entered the country illegally. There will also be a discussion of the 2012 Benghazi, Libya, attack, which will surely double as a rolling broadside against Hillary Clinton.
And in a nod to the Northeastern bravado at the top of the Republican ticket this year, former Mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani of New York will lend his voice. Look for Mr. Giuliani, who recently prompted an uproar after calling the Black Lives Matter movement “inherently racist,” to weigh in on the most recent violence against police officers.

Watch a replay of our conversation with Senator Susan Collins.
Carolyn Ryan and Carl Hulse of The New York Times talked with Senator Susan Collins, Republican of Maine, and took reader questions live on Facebook.

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